Monday, November 5, 2012


Every once in a while, I will come across something beyond beautiful. Something touching, inspiring, and uplifting. I tell myself I will be a better person. In the moment I decide that I can be something great. I can be a great positive influence in many peoples lives. But after a few days, I forget and go back to normal living. I don't want to go back to normal, I want to feel like this forever.

What is happiness? Sadly, the world believes that worldly things like money can make a person happy. I believe, in fact I KNOW, that true happiness comes from righteousness. In other words, if you want to be happy, make others happy. You can do that by helping others. Sacrifice yourself, give up some time, and put others before yourself. I promise you that it will give you more joy than you have ever had.

I just watched a movie called "The letter writer". This movie had me in tears, and I was inspired to be a better person. Inside my ordinary self theres an extraordinary gift. Everybody has a TRUE talent, you just have to find it in yourself. A talent is something you're good at, such as a sport. A true talent is something you can use to bless other peoples lives. We all have one. Even you people that feel like you aren't good enough or aren't worthy. You are. Theres always a way back and theres always good in everything.

Life is like a mirror. What you put into it, you get back. If I do good to others, people will do good to me. If somebody is dishonest, or rude, that's what they will get in return. Everybody is attracted to people with their similarities. So naturally, the happy and kind people will find other happy and kind people. And the other type of people will only see the negative in people.

Life has balance. Everything always works out. If you help somebody when they are in a time of need, there will be somebody there for you when you are in a time of need. If you listen to life, you will find the people that are in need. You can it feel inside yourself. It will always guide you to the people you need to find and help.

Everything happens for a reason. Nothing is purely bad about life. There is good in everything. Not too long ago, my good friend drowned. I was very emotional and I just couldn't understand why something like this would happen. Why would God take this amazing person from us? Why would such an incredible person die so young? I could cry or curse God for taking away one of my heroes. But instead I thank God for giving me a chance to be around this kid. I thank God for giving me a great example of what I should be. I thank God for the other great friends I still have. God needed my friend in heaven, and we have to accept that. Attitude and mentality control your life. When I learned my friend passed away, instead of being depressed, I was happy. I was happy for my friend and I was grateful for my experiences with him in the past.

Every day people do beautiful things. There are small miracles all around us, you just have to look for them. "Angels are hiding in the motions of humans." Everybody goes through hard times. I believe that we have these hard times as trials. We can respond in many different ways. We can't let it ruin us. We must find the good in it because there is good in all tragedy. Never give up. Always be positive.

I want to be the person that helps out others in small ways every day. I want to make sad people smile. If you feel like you are in need of somebody else to help you, I would suggest doing to others as you would like done to you. Golden rule. Remember, in life you get what you give. If you want to feel better about yourself, make somebody else feel better about themselves.

When I'm sad, I want to blame others. But every problem and every solution is within yourself. Your attitude can fix it. Your charity can uplift you. With the right mentality you can do anything. If we have faith in each other and spread the love, we can't be stopped.

I'm 16. There is nothing special about me, really. I know these things from experience. Don't take my word for it, try it. I promise that you will feel happier than you ever have. Spread the joy. Teenage life is hard, and there are many challenges. But we don't have to suffer through these years, we can all help each other have better days.

I am not saying you have to do anything huge or dramatic. You can do the little things. You can compliment a lonely kid at school, you can hold the door open for an older person, you can do your jobs before your mom yells at you. Lots of little things make one big thing.

Most of us just want to be happy in life. That really is all a teen wants, right? Well here is your answer. Service. Love. I know this all sounds cheesy but I really do want to see a change. We can do it, we are all great people. We all have a gift, no matter what it is. Find your TRUE gift and share it with the world. Be that person that puts a smile on another persons face.

Listen to the song. It's unheard of and I love it. Be strong through the hardships and be inspirational to those around you. You're better than you think. You have a power to uplift the people around you. You can do anything you set your mind to.

My blog isn't really popular, and I want a lot of people to read this obviously, so please feel free to share. I read your comments and I care. Have a great week.

This is the song-

Jake Sargent


  1. Hi Jake,
    This wonderful piece for someone written by a 16 year old. Sorry about the loss of your friend, May God who is comfort you and your friends family for He is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.

    I too watched the movie last night and it blessed me so much. I was searching for the lyrics to the song "Angels Bones" that's how i came across your blog. It is a blessing and may God continually use you to bless others.

    Blessings from Nairobi, Kenya.

  2. Hi Jake,
    I loved the movie and I also, was searching for the lyrics. What a beautiful, inspiring song!
    I love what you have written.Reading your blog sounds like you are on your way to being a 'letter writer' yourself. Whatever talent you pursue, I know that you are uplifting others just by being the love that you are.
    Take good care and God Bless.

  3. Hi Jake. You don't really know me, but I've heard a lot about you from others and I hope you know that you're making a difference. Keep it up and thank you.

  4. I'm not Alaris - "Lord of the Seraphim" - but since you wanted to know, this is his real identity.

    DOB 4/4/1977
    Ryan Page Hutchings

    4076 Claxton Ave, Gilbert, AZ 85297
    Missionary in Texas Forth Worth Mission
    Divorced at least once

    Wife, one older brother, two older sisters, and mother live in Gilbert
    Father - Alan
    Mother maiden name - Linda Katchner
    Wife - Rachel Ann (nee Jones)

    Raised in Northern California
    Excommunicated in 2015(?)

    May have recently filed for bankruptcy (2:20-bk-03918)

    As of 31 AUG 2020, ward is Meadowview Ward, Gilbert AZ Gateway stake
